Once upon a time a bit of plastic
Was trying to make life fantastic
It wanted to keep food fresh and nice
But ended up being used once or twice
Its purpose was to make life convenient
And now it cannot be less lenient
It wanted to be more accessible
But most of it is non recyclable
It wanted to bring joy and cheer
But now it’s hard to keep the oceans clear
It’s piled and piled or burned it seems
Spreading intoxicating fumes
And plastic’s dreams were full of hope
But we produce more than we can cope
So here’s a few things you can change
Before we take this to an edge:
Reuse your bags to carry stuff;
Bring your cup for your decaff;
Drink tap water when it’s safe;
And see how much awareness you can raise.
We need the help of shops and Governments
Together with our own commitments
Let’s give the plastic back the joy
And live in a world that we can enjoy
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