[EN] These pancakes are easy to make even in a motorhome and they just make you feel like you have a celebration in the morning (we have them for breakfast a few times a week). So, no more talking, here’s the recipe:

[RO] Aceste clatite sunt foarte usor de pregatit, chiar si in o autorulota! Cand le mananci dimineata, ai impresia ca e sarbatoare! (noi mancam asa clatite de cateva ori pe saptamana). Fara sa mai lungesc vorba, iata reteta:

  • 1/2 cup oat flakes (1/2 cana fulgi de ovaz) ;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 2 eggs (oua);
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda (1/2 l-ta de praf de copt) ;
  • A pinch of salt (un virf de l-ta de sare)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa power and a bit of vanilla extract, optional (2 linguri de pudra de cacao, optional)

You can either mix all the ingredients in a blender, or if you are in a motorhome with limited tools, start by crushing the bananas with a fork (I prefer the banas to be ripe, the pancakes are sweeter and it’s easier to crush them!).

Add slowly the rest of the ingredients (I keep the eggs at the end). Leave it to rest for 10 minutes, heat the pan, add a bit of butter or oil, pour the pancakes (about 2 tbsp of mixture per pancake), put the lid on and let them cook for a couple of minutes. Turn them on the other side and finish cooking them without a lid.

Be creative with your toppings, just a few suggestions: honey or jam, lemon juice, lemon zest or yoghurt and fruit (it works very well with tinned fruit too, especially pineapples), sprinkle some cinnamon on top etc.


Puteti pune toate ingredientele in blender sau daca nu aveti blender sau locuiti in o autorulota, incepeti prin a presa bananele cu o furculita (eu prefer bananele cat mai coapte clatitele ies mai dulci). Adaugati incet si celelalte ingrediente (eu pun ouale la sfarsit).

Se lasa 10 minute sa se odihneasca apoi se amesteca si se ia o lingura – doua din amestec si se pune pe o tigaie incinsa cu putin unt sau ulei, si se intinde cu lingura in directie circulara pentru a ii crea forma finala.

Se pot servi cu miere, dulceata, suc de lamaie, coaja razuita de lamaie, iaurt, fructe proaspete sau din conserva, crema de ciocolata …. Orice de ce va este pofta 🙂


Bon Appetit!

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