[EN] If you have a sweet tooth like I do, you might appreciate a snack that is sweet and… quite healthy. It’s raw, vegan and easy to make as long as you have a food processor. We have a tiny one so I had to mix small batches at a time, but the result is still the same. Enjoy!

[RO] Daca va place si boua dulcisorul ca si mie, s-ar putea sa va placa acest deliciu dulce, sanatos si usor de preparat, atata timp cat aveti un procesor in care sa mixati ingredientele. Noi avem unul foarte mic, asa ca am pus cantitati mici de mai multe ori, dar rezultatul a fost la fel. Savurati cu placere!


  • 100 gr porridge oats (fulgi de ovaz)
  • 100 gr toasted nuts (nuci/alune prajite)
  • 400 gr dried fruit, I put half raisins, half prunes ( fructe uscate , eu am pus jumate stafide si jumate prune uscate/afumate)
  • 2 tbsp any vegetable oil, sunflower or coconut oil go well (2 linguri ulei, eu am pus de floarea soarelui sau puteti pune ulei de cocos)
  • 2 tbsp nut butter, I put almond (2 linguri unt de migdale sau alune)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder (2 linguri de cacao)

[EN] Put it all in a food processor and mix well, move in a bowl and form balls of the size that you want and leave them in the fridge to set. You can store the in the fridge or freeze them for later. All the ingredients have long shelf life so no need to worry about them going off.

[RO] Puneti toate ingredientele in procesor si maruntiti si amestecati bine. Din amestecul obtinut, formati bilute de marimea pe care o preferati. Puneti-le la frigider vreo jumate de ora inainte sa le consumati. Le puteti pastra la frigider sau congela daca vi se par prea multe. Ingredientele nu se strica oricum, deci nu trebuie sa va faceti griji sa le mancati pe toate odata!

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