Last year we spent Christmas in Spain, in the middle of nature, surrounded by mountains and trees. And that is the best decoration you could ever get: Nature. But I did make a few ornaments of my own and it’s a very easy, affordable creative way to do so.

  • I made stars (or flowers depending on what you see) out of the cardboard roll from toilet paper. Yes, you heard me well: toilet paper. And after the whole toilet paper shortage in the UK crisis, people should have plenty of crafts supplies.
    * Start by painting the cardboard with acrylic paint (even if you don’t have any paint, it will still look good).
    * cut “petals” about 1cm wide and stick them together with PVA glue to form a flower.
    * if you want to go the extra mile, fold more petals in 2 and stick them inside of the other petals.
    * take a needle and thread and make a loop to hang the decoration.
    * PS We found a branch during one of our walks that was already broken and on the floor, so I took it to put it in the motorhome. It was funny because I had to climb a rock and I dropped the branch and wentback down to pick it up.

  • I made salt dough decorations. That was fun because I love dough in general! Prior to being in this gorgeous place for Christmas, we had a major breakdown near San Sebastian (if you are curious to know what happened, check this article). So after staying one week in a hotel, we realized it will take longer than that for the motorhome to be ready (one month actually!), so we stayed in an Airbnb in France because it was cheaper (and nice and peaceful). I made the salt dough decorations in there and I baked them too. You can just let them dry if you want to avoid baking.
    * the ratio is 1 portion of water, 1 portion of salt and 2 portions of flour (you can decide what a portion is, be that a cup, half a cup, 2 cups or in grams, whatever you like, just put equal amounts of water and salt to double amount of flour).
    * Make a dough and play with it as you like. You can make figurines, all sort of shapes. I just rolled it with a pin (or with a bottle of wine haha), cut round shapes with a cup, made a whole for hanging (make it larger that you would like it to be, because it shrinks), the one with the shape of the motorhome I just cut it with a knife.
    * Let them dry or put them in the oven at the lowest setting or around 120 degrees Celsius for 3 hours.
    * If you have acrylic paint, paint on top to make them look even better.

That’s it, that’s all you need. Get creative, use what you have Christmas doesn’t have to be expensive. And check Pinterest for more inspiration.

This year, I bough second hand LED lights and they just make me happy every morning I plug them in 😀

Happy December x

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