I love animals a lot and I also love painting them! So I am always super excited to get a commission for a cute pet, one like Maisie for example.

As you might know, I am self taught and I paint in many layers, usually in acrylic. I paint on reused cardboard, but upon request, I can also paint on canvas to look more like a proper painting.

I try to organize myself in a way that I don’t have to wait for inspiration, but my painting process is definitely affected by my general mood and state of mind. I had a tumultuous end of December and January and this has slowed down my painting and I couldn’t dedicate myself fully.

But eventually I have overcome this feeling and I am delighted to tell you that I have finished the commission and my joy was doubled by the news that Maisie was featured in the Financial Times.

If you would like a portrait of your pet, drop me a line on daniela.c.paintings@gmail.com


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